Despite the fact that this photo is... 8 Lennox Lewis. Bearded amateur boxers in England, UK will be allowed to compete in the sport without having to remove their facial hair after the governing body agreed to abolish a former long-standing ruling which had previously banned all facial hair from the ring. The requirement that Master athletes (35 and older) be clean shaven at weigh-ins has been changed to allow moustaches and neatly trimmed beards of less than two (2) inches in length. Robert Guerrero sported a bit of an Amish thing in his March 7 fight against Keith Thurman, but we... 9 Roy Jones Jr.. Jones has kind of a well-manicured boy band beard going on here. The hair gets in there mouth. There's a whole league for people with beards, it's called "women's boxing" Beards are for lumberjacks, jihadists and homo's. Interestingly, beards are allowed in professional boxing, with the caveat being that it must be trimmed to a certain length. In fact, not so long ago boxer Tyson Fury was actually forced to shave his beard before a fight by the British Boxing Board of Control. What are the official rules for beards and or beard length in boxing ?
Who has the top 10 beards in boxing? 10 Robert Guerrero. While Warren is only upholding the rules, there is no denying that beards are taking over, from corporate environments to the boxing ring. answer Apr 29, 2017 by Vijay Bearded amateur boxers in England will be allowed to compete without having to remove their facial hair after the governing body agreed to abolish a long-standing rule. A beard doesn't give you no advantage inside the ring, just an easier target but maybe a beard gets in an opponents eyes. More specifically what are the NV amateur rules on said matter, does it differ state by state or by amateur / pro? The Boxing Board rules do state that a fighter’s jawline must be visible during a fight, so facial hair isn’t altogether prohibited.