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The New York Knicks by Dan Klores günstig ein. - Kaufen Sie ESPN Films 30 for 30: Winning Time - Reggie Miller vs. It’s the first of December, and 73 degrees. Reggie Miller has girl problems. Professional basketball player. At a Glance …. Sources. In fact, his sister Cheryl Miller … Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. Reggie’s competitive nature is obvious — he even recalls telling himself that he would be the player to “retire Michael Jordan.” Although Reggie’s skills as a shooter are undeniable, he’s not the only one in the Miller family with a claim to fame on the court. REGGIE MILLER POKES THE BEAR. This is Malibu. It’s always a beautiful day. That can happen when you’re 19, but it has never happened to anyone quite the way it has to Reggie Miller. Miller's comment will likely rekindle his "trash-talking" dispute with Lee which diverted basketball fans for so long. Cheryl Miller is one of the most legendary women's basketball players of all time. Reggie’s problem is his sister. Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. Miller claims his unorthodox shooting style was developed to arc his shot over his sister's constant shot blocking. It’s a joke, of course. College. However, you wouldn't know it by USC's banner for the star. Reggie Miller says he has arranged perfect riding weather for us.

Miller attended the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he received a degree in history. Reggie's brother, Saul, Jr., became a musician and followed in his father's footsteps in military service. It seems that even though Miller is retired he still misses the courtside give-and-take with Lee. Reggie Miller 1965 –. Just ask her brother Reggie.