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History Comments Share. With Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. Directed by Bob Anderson, David Mirkin.

[Yelps, Screams] [Continues Screaming] Ah.

[Meows] Episode tersebut awalnya disiarkan dalam saluran Fox di Amerika Serikat pada 27 Oktober 1996. Edit. A freak lightning storm causes giant advertising mascots to come to life; The children are terrorized by Groundskeeper Willie in their dreams; Homer finds …

Treehouse of Horror I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX; Episode guide from Warren Martyn and Adrian Wood's book "I Can't Believe It's a Bigger and Better Updated Unofficial Simpsons Guide" on the BBC website. 8x01 - … Pranala luar.

"Treehouse of Horror VII" Episode no.

No, she's sleeping with me. Treehouse of Horror VII. A page for describing Recap: Simpsons S 8 E 1 Treehouse Of Horror VII. Referensi.

… With Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. LinkBack URL; About LinkBacks; Themen-Optionen.

Bart discovers his Siamese twin in the attic; Lisa becomes a God after she accidentally creates life in a science fair project; Kang and … Season 8: Disutradarai oleh: Mike B. Anderson: Ditulis oleh: Ken Keeler Dan Greaney David S. Cohen: Tanggal mula ditayangkan: 27 Oktober 1996 "Treehouse of Horror VII" adalah episode pertama dari musim kedelapan The Simpsons. Homer battles mutants after Springfield is annihilated by a neutron bomb; Bart has his DNA mixed with a fly; Marge is revealed to be a witch in colonial Springfield. Treehouse of Horror VII is the first episode of The Simpsons' eighth season. #season eight #treehouse … Directed by Mark Kirkland. Metacritic TV Episode Reviews, Treehouse of Horror VII, The Thing and I Homer and Marge warn the children not to go up into the attic. Season 8: Disutradarai oleh: Mike B. Anderson: Ditulis oleh: Ken Keeler Dan Greaney David S. Cohen: Tanggal mula ditayangkan: 27 Oktober 1996 "Treehouse of Horror VII" adalah episode pertama dari musim kedelapan The Simpsons. Maybe it was just the cat.

In this seventh annual "Treehouse of Horror" episode, Bart discovers his long-lost twin, Lisa grows a colony of small beings, and Kang and Kodos impersonate Bill Clinton and Bob Dole in order to win the 1996 Presidential election. Tonight, Matt and Robbie discuss Episode 4F02, Treehouse of Horror VII, the first episode of Season Eight.

Listener Question of the Week: What is your favorite Professor Frink quote? In the seventh annual Treehouse of Horror episode, Bart discovers his long-lost twin, Lisa grows a colony of small beings, and Kang and Kodos Listen to us on iTunes.


They talk about fish heads, voting for Kodos, and rebigulators. Hmm. Druckbare Version zeigen; Dieses Thema abonnieren… 03.08.2006, 19:54 #1. Originally uploaded on October 9th, 2015 This is the opening of the seventh Treehouse of Horror which took place during the first episode of season 8 and it … "Treehouse of Horror VII" is the first episode of The Simpsons' season 8 and originally aired October 27, 1996.

Treehouse of Horror VII. "Treehouse of Horror VII" Episode no.

Email us your favorite episode and why at simpsonsshowpod@gmail.com! Episode - 4F02 First Aired - 10/27/1996 Treehouse of Horror VII is a Treehouse of … It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 27, 1996. Schlafmütze.

Foren Gott Registriert seit 14.08.2005 Beiträge 14.006. 8x01 - Hugo, kleine Wesen und Kang | Treehouse Of Horror VII; Zeige Ergebnis 1 bis 2 von 2 Thema: 8x01 - Hugo, kleine Wesen und Kang | Treehouse Of Horror VII. [Clattering] [Footsteps Running] Did you hear that, Bart? watch 01:32. Episode tersebut awalnya disiarkan dalam saluran Fox di Amerika Serikat pada 27 Oktober 1996. The Loop (TV) Do you like this video?