What Causes Seizures?
A number of conditions are associated with seizures but are not epilepsy including: most febrile seizures and those that occur around an acute infection, stroke, or toxicity. Finding the cause of sudden seizures in previously healthy dogs may require a neurology or internal medicine work-up, but the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center notes that often the problem can be traced to a toxin exposure. This can be caused by any type of brain injury, such as trauma, stroke, brain infection, or a brain tumor. Head Trauma and Brain Injury Severe head trauma may produce sudden seizures at the time of trauma and may also cause brain injuries that result in long-lasting epilepsy. Of those who have a seizure, about 25% have epilepsy. Most seizures last from 30 seconds to 2 minutes and do not cause lasting harm. Seizures are usually not the only symptoms seen with the extracranial causes of seizures in cats. Sometimes, people who do not have epilepsy can also experience an unexpected seizure, usually due to different medical conditions of the brain listed below. Causes of seizures are devastating for health-related effects worldwide these days. Seizures can have many causes in babies, including infections, metabolic conditions, trauma and birth injuries and febrile seizures 3. If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. Epileptic seizures – People with epilepsy have a type of brain dysfunction that intermittently causes episodes of abnormal electrical activity. These seizures usually affect the neck, face and arms. Brain injury, brain swelling and increased pressure on the brain as well as chemical imbalances are common causes … Treatment involves restricting fluids, treating the underlying cause, and taking medications to decrease the antidiuretic hormone's effect on the kidneys. Clonic seizures. Some researchers now believe that the chance of developing epilepsy is probably always genetic to some extent, in that any person who starts having seizures has always had some level of genetic likelihood to do so. However, it is a medical emergency if seizures last longer than 5 minutes or if a person has many seizures and does not wake up between them. Causes of nocturnal seizures. Most seizures are not life-threatening. During a seizure, the normal pattern of activity in the brain is temporarily disturbed and brain cells begin to fire abnormally. These seizures are known as "acute symptomatic" or "provoked" seizures and are part of the seizure-related disorders. The neural network of the brain is infinitely complex, with millions of connections making up our consciousness and controlling our daily operations. Head injury, fever, and medical conditions such as brain tumors are possible causes of seizures.
Neurofibromatosis – a genetic condition that can cause growths on the nerves. Generalized seizures in adults take place whenever nerve cells present on both sides of a human brain misfire to cause fall, black out or muscular spasms. Atonic seizures. Epilepsy is a problem in the brain that causes reoccurring seizures that happen without warning.