In Aristotle’s own words: “Our own observation tells us that every polis is a community (or association) of persons formed with a view to some good purpose.
Aristotle State is the super-most and top human institution that is a sovereign body and it works for comforting its citizens.
Nature of Polis or State:.
Plato’s “ideal state” as embodied and described in his dialogue, “The Republic,” is, as Plato says, “A pattern laid up in heaven.” Plato makes it clear in various places in the dialogue, that his Republic can never be realized on earth. For Plato and Aristotle, the end of the state is good; as value (Justice) is the premises for the ideal state. ideal state.
The Characteristics Of Aristotle's Ideal State. Plato explain his theory of ideal state with the help of analogy between individual and state.
and what it means. If Plato had portrayed an Ideal State in hid republic which could be built in heaven only, Aristotle came down to earth while drawing the outline of his ideal state. A state is made up of many households and thus it is important for Aristotle, to study the arrangement of a household in an ideal state. This ideal is to be realized in both the individual and the city-state: “that way of life is best, both separately for each individual and in common for city-states, which is equipped with virtue” (Pol. Like his work in zoology, Aristotle’s political studies combine observation and theory. 5.
S O C R A T E S, 4(4), 13-20. Like a true scientist he does not attempt any impossible scheme in formulating his theory if Ideal State. Aristotle’s ideal state varied from that of Plato’s due to the fact that he believed that all citizens should participate in state affairs. According to a conventional view, Plato’s philosophy is abstract and utopian, whereas Aristotle’s is empirical, practical, and commonsensical. The Characteristics Of Aristotle's Ideal State; The Characteristics Of Aristotle's Ideal State. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Aristotle also investigated areas of philosophy and fields of science that Plato did not seriously consider. ... Mijuskovic, O. The health of the whole depends on the health of the parts, as well as, the health of the parts depend on the health of the whole. Population should be manageable. 1017 Words 5 Pages. Aristotle’s ideal state is the city state of the moderate size. Aristotle’s ideal state is just the opposite: it is a magnification of the primary relationships.Good government of a city-state, aiming at the happiness of citizens, requires a foundation of friendships between citizens and will promote them. Aristotle - Aristotle - Political theory: Turning from the Ethics treatises to their sequel, the Politics, the reader is brought down to earth. For both, the end of the state is ethical; as justice is the basis for the ideal state.
Though it may not be ideal, Aristotle's ideal city provides the best model for politics.