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Close, intimate friends. Synonyms for bosom buddy at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. bosom definition: 1. a woman's breasts: 2. the front of a person's chest, especially when thought of as the centre…. 2. In Reply to: Bosom buddies posted by Dennis Mullarkey on November 13, 2008 at 21:15:: From where/when does the phrase "bosom buddies" originate? The chest of a human: He held the sleepy child to his bosom. Find descriptive alternatives for bosom buddy. om (bo͝oz′əm, bo͞o′zəm) n. 1. a. 177 were donated in May This month, we are on track to donate 184. home recent additions webmaster page banners feed a child. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples ‘it's clear that Jeff and Tom are bosom buddies from way back’ ‘People working together do not have to become bosom buddies.’ ‘She is gracious despite our differences, and we chat pleasantly, if not like bosom buddies.’ ‘He painted the affable pair as bosom buddies who … The part of a garment covering the chest or breasts. b. bosom buddies Definition.
A woman's breast or breasts. The security and closeness likened to being held in a warm familial embrace: We welcomed the stranger into the bosom of our family. It's an updated American-English version of "bosom friend" which goes back to the 16th century (first usage cited 1590). 3. 2. bosom buddies rate (Adult / Slang) Or: bosom chums / bosom friends: 1. Bosom buddies Posted by Victoria S Dennis on November 14, 2008 at 07:59. 4. A humorous name for a not so funny infestation of crabs . Bosom definition: A woman's breasts are sometimes referred to as her bosom or her bosoms . See pubic lice for synonyms. bosom buddies - Or: bosom chums / bosom friends : 1. Learn more.