Law enforcement officials from several Macomb County communities plan to meet this week to discuss patrolling strategies for a possible protest march down Hall Road. They were honking and screaming, blowing air horns out of their open windows and screaming "fuck black lives." The release states that several law enforcement agencies around the county and the Michigan State Police have been notified of the protest, which is scheduled to begin on Hall Road in … I didn’t see it posted here yet, but the little city of Bad Axe MI held a protest. Macomb County protest urges change through marching, voting A protest through Macomb County had an estimated 3,000 came prepared to march … However, this does not mean that the Constitution completely protects all types of free speech activity in every circumstance. File photo by Patricia O’Blenes CLINTON TOWNSHIP — It started out as a joke and later turned into about 5,000 people of all ages and races marching peacefully down Hall Road on a sunny Saturday afternoon. Related Videos. There were 100+ vehicles in the caravan. A June 6 protest, one of many public demonstrations nationally and worldwide as … Peaceful and professional. They are certainly headed in the direction of the Macomb protest, so it is not unlikely that they are planning an unreported counter-protest event. Have fun dealing with the construction on Garfield and hall by MCC. Peaceful and professional. That protest began at the Regal Cinema at 5 p.m. 1:08. STW - Gormans Closes. Lmfao the cops literally blocked the roadways off for everyone and provided buses to get back to the parking lot of the local defunct mall that they CONDONED to be the protesters parking lot. Outstanding job. Shits like one lane with constant work going on, it’s been hell for a month. Notice of a "Macomb Protest - Show Up Show Out" appeared Sunday on Twitter, saying a Black Lives Matter March will be held Saturday afternoon on Hall Road.
The protest in Gainesville along Linton Hall Road, Monday night, also remained peaceful, according to Perok. The First Amendment prohibits restrictions based on the content of speech. 200+ people I believe attended. Hundreds walk along Big Beaver Road in Troy as protests continue after the killing of George Floyd . The protest on Hall Road is about to conclude, and to cap off the evening, members of the march took a knee before closing the peaceful protest in prayer. No. Thousands of protesters took to the streets on Saturday along Hall Road. Demonstrations and Protests General guidelines Can my free speech be restricted because of what I say—even if it is controversial?
Outstanding job. That protest was planned a few days in advance, giving police some warning and the ability to work with organizers and the Virginia Gateway Shopping Center. This protest comes in the wake of the death of George Floyd. sttvmi-STW_-_HALL_ROAD_PROTEST Run time 00:02:53 Scanner Internet Archive Python library 1.9.3 Year 2020 Youtube-height 720 Youtube-id KoSCOfFTKzs Youtube-n-entries 2689 Youtube-playlist Uploads from Shelby TV Youtube-playlist-index 2688 Youtube-uploader Shelby TV Youtube-uploader-id ShelbyTownshipTV Youtube-view-count 1 Youtube-webpage-url