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What makes Alternate Ending different from other film sites and podcasts?

If you haven't yet seen "Looper" and are still planning to, stop reading this post right now. As the team explores time travel, alternate dimensions, and parallel universes, things can get pretty confusing. Our goal is to save you time and money by sharing our thoughts and recommendations on which movies to race to theaters for, which to watch at home and those to actively avoid. Rogue One 's alternate ending may have left people happier leaving the theater, but it would have left open a lot of plot holes in the Star Wars universe, making people question where all … Read story The Unclosed Loop. There's timeline A, and timeline B.

Evil Dead's alternate ending was a little more ambiguous Director Fede Alvarez's 2013 remake of Evil Dead was billed as a nonstop onslaught of horror and gore, and it … Following the striking of a shared custody deal between Sony and Marvel, Spider-Man has enjoyed a three-year, five-picture run in the MCU. 'Looper' Ending: Rian Johnson Explains Twisty Finale (SPOILERS) By Mike Ryan.

A is the one where JGL kills his older self, moves to Japan in an attempt to escape (trying to throw them off by flauntingly learning French) ad falls in love with Jade Dragon and quits drugs. Maybe it has to do with the title, Looper. Of course, the last few years have made this alternate version of the Iron Man stinger scene appear downright prophetic. ... And whether you think of it as in that moment, where he shot himself, an alternate timeline was created that we now switch to -- that, to me, is largely just semantics.

In the world of Looper, time travel is invented in the 2070s... and is almost immediately declared... A terrifying future. Comment Share [WARNING! 'Looper' Ending: Rian Johnson Explains Twisty Finale (SPOILERS) By Mike Ryan.

'Looper' Director Interview: Ending Explained & Questions Answered.

The ending of Looper finally explained Back to the murder. Alternate Ending was formed when three friends realized they all shared a passion for movies. Not to worry -- we're here to explain the ending of Fringe in full. If you have seen "Looper," continue forward as director Rian Johnson helpfully explains the ending.

by Roth Cornet; Oct 11, 2012; Share Tweet Email. (Here, go read this nice piece about "The Princess Bride" instead.) As the team explores time travel, alternate dimensions, and parallel universes, things can get pretty confusing. (Again: Massive spoilers are ahead.) Not to worry -- we're here to explain the ending of Fringe in full. rainmaker, looper. (Alternate Ending of Looper) by NicholasBlack with 1,196 reads. 0. That, to me, is really just how you would go back and graph the whole thing out. But! In our spoiler-filled interview with 'Looper' director Rian Johnson, we discuss everything from time travel philosophy, to answering some lingering questions about the film. THIS POST CONTAINS MAJOR LOOPER SPOILERS!!!]

As in these timelines alternate but ultimately loop themselves.