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Malefic Time: LUZ Battle Damage Version Web Exclusive. Cards size: 11 x 6 cm (4.3" x 2.3"). La obra más mítica de Luis royo, remasterizada, ampLiada y totaLmente revisada por eL autor. The auction cover depicts American model and actress Julie Strain. 0 Shares Share $ 379.89. スノーボード ウィンタースポーツ 海外モデル ヨーロッパモデル アメリカモデル 5661722306 Uvex Race+ Winter Sports/Ski Helmet - Multi Color - 566172 (Black-White mat - スノーボード ウィンタースポーツ 海外モデル ヨーロッパモデル アメリカモデル 5661722306 In 1983, he began to focus on illustration, the area in which he was to be most successful, and went on to publish his work internationally. Included: 78 cards. In 2011, Luis and Romulo Royo started a multimedia project, Malefic Time, that included illustrated novels, a role playing game, figures based on illustrations, calendars and other spin-offs. In 1972, he started to exhibit his paintings and in 1980 he first published his comics in magazines like 1984, Rambla, El Víbora and Heavy Metal. Luis Royo was born in 1954 in Olalla, Teruel in Spain. Read 6 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. The new Malefic time Tarot by Luis Royo is set in 2038 and it illustrates the transformation of the world as we know it. An artist of the spectacular. LUIS ROYO: MALEFIC, Fantasy, SciFi … En lire plus. Luis Royo est un maître dans le dessin d'erotico-fantasy, à avoir absolument dans sa bibliothèque ! Description; Additional information; Reviews (0) Product Description El mundo se ha transformado de sueño en pesadilla.

Exceptional painting of the master of fantastic and sci-fi illustration of the last 40 years. 5,0 sur 5 étoiles Que c'est beau! The collaboration between Fournier and the artist Luis Royo and Romulo Royo returns to take part to join the world "Malefic Time" completing a little more the whole universe that already has with a color Tarot deck consisting of 78 cards in 5 languages ( Spanish, English, French, German and Portuguese). 1/4 resin statue. 3 Illustrated Art Books by Luis Royo Dreams, Malefic & III Millennium Paperbacks. En las cimas de las azoteas, figuras como gárgolas observan las calles.

Utile. $28.00 + $4.92 shipping . Commentaire Signaler un abus. Déjate seducir por Ohlibro, ¡Pruébalo ya! Una metrópoli diezmada en sus habitantes, decrépita y ruinosa. Oct 27, 2016 - Explore vickingoingo's board "Luis Royo Malefic" on Pinterest. space1966. Malefic book.

$34.99 + $4.99 shipping .

Royo worked with George R. R. Martin in 2014 to produce illustrations for Martin's novelette, The Ice Dragon.

Home Shop Luis Royo Malefic Time: LUZ Battle Damage Version Web Exclusive. Creatures of legend and fantasy have their own rules which gives the feeling that we have plunged into a futuristic middle ages. Out of stock. TAROT MALEFIC TIME. This image was the cover of the ‘Heavy Metal 1998’ calendar and also appears in the book ‘Julie Strain Greatest Hits’ published in 2002. Cuando Malefic irrumpió allá por los noventa en el mundo de la ilustración, sus imágenes y su autor, Luis Royo, se convirtieron en iconos y símbolos de una época. Descubre si MALEFIC TIME: SOUM de LUIS ROYO está hecho para ti. Commenté en France le 12 septembre 2010. Luis Royo (born 1954) is a Spanish artist, best known for his fantasy illustrations published in numerous art books, magazines, and various other media including book and music CD covers, video games and Tarot cards. Category: Luis Royo. See more ideas about Luis royo, Fantasy art, Warrior woman. MALEFIC TIME: APOCALYPSE LUIS ROYO ROMULO ROYO 2038. 2 personnes ont trouvé cela utile. Irónicamente, Nueva York sigue siendo el emblema del mundo. Luis Royo (1954). 1/4 resin statue. Luis Royo Dreams Hardcover & Malefic Paperback TPB - Two Book Lot Sexy Pinup Art.