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2020 Miles Franklin longlist - The Weekend by Charlotte Wood Three women gather at the beach house of a friend, recently passed away. ... From Miles Franklin finalist Philip Salom comes this new story about the eccentricities, failings … May 12, 2020 by kimbofo 2020 Miles Franklin Literary Award, Anna Krien, Australian literature, Carrie Tiffany, Charlotte Wood, Gerald Murnane, John Hughes, Melanie Cheng, Peggy Frew, Philip Salom, Tara June Winch, Tony Birch The 2020 Miles Franklin Literary Award Long-list. It was shortlisted for the Stella Prize, and ABIA Literary Prize while "Room for a Stranger" was longlisted for the ABIA Literary Prize. Richard Neville, Mitchell Librarian of the State Library of NSW and head of the Award judging panel, says: “This year’s Miles Franklin longlist is a mix of established and … Tony Birch. The 2018 Miles Franklin Literary Award longlist is: Peter Carey, A Long Way from Home, Penguin Random House Felicity Castagna, No More Boats, Giramondo Publishing
Richard Neville, Mitchell Librarian of the State Library of NSW and head of the Award judging panel, says: “This year’s Miles Franklin longlist is a mix of established and newer Australian authors. The trustee of Australia’s most prestigious literary awards, Perpetual, has announced 10 talented authors who have been included in the 2019 longlist for the Miles Franklin Award. The shortlist for the 2020 Miles Franklin Literary has been announced during a live online event. I enjoyed both of the books, especially "The Weekend" by Charlotte Wood which I awarded five stars. Their novels give voice to a diversity of Australian characters whose common feature is their location on the margins, whether … The Miles Franklin Literary Award longlist 2020 Read review.

This year’s Miles Franklin Literary Award longlist has been announced. The Miles Franklin Literary Award was established by author and feminist Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin, best known for her acclaimed novel My Brilliant Career. The 2020 Longlist announced on the 11 May 2020. 2020 Miles Franklin Literary Award longlist. Miles Franklin Award – Longlist Announcement Posted by neighbourhoodnatter May 13, 2020 Posted in Uncategorized Arguably Australia’s most prestigious literary award, the Miles Franklin is awarded each year to a novel of the highest literary merit that presents Australian life in any of its phases. Past winners have included Alexis Wright, Anna Funder, Tim Winton and Peter Carey.

The 2020 Miles Franklin longlist is out and I am lucky to have already read a couple of the books.
The White Girl. The Miles Franklin Literary Award was established by prolific author and feminist Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin, now best known for her first novel My Brilliant Career. The 2020 Longlist announced on the 11 May 2020.