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So 1917, a WWI movie designed to look like it was shot all in one-take, how was I not going to love this thing? How Sam Mendes, Roger Deakins shot 1917 to look like one unbroken take New featurette shows how director Sam Mendes and cinematographer Roger Deakins shot their WWI-set film to look like one long shot The Skyfall director is attempting something with his new film, 1917 that few have tried: telling the story in just one shot (or at least making the finished product look that way). Experimental digital movie shot entirely in one take and in real time. When cinematographer Roger Deakins opened the script for “1917,” he was greeted with the news that the entire, two-hour World War I epic would unfold as one continuous shot. Wow. 1917 has garnered huge acclaim for its portrayal of the First World War (Photo: Universal Pictures/AP) How was 1917 filmed? A frantic young woman begs a stranger to help save her marked husband, not realizing that the stranger is the hit man hired to kill him. What is a one-shot film and was 1917 filmed in one take? Director: Yuri Zeltser | Stars: Angela Bettis, Scott Cohen, Henry Czerny, David Proval.

Shadowy hallways, screen-crossing soldiers, and occasional computer graphics mask the cuts as two young men trek across battle-scarred France to deliver a life-or-death message. After an eleventh-hour shimmy into the awards race, Sam Mendes' seemingly one-shot World War I epic 1917 has enjoyed a dramatic last-minute entrance of …

Votes: 329 A one-shot or continuous-shot film is when a feature length film is shot using one long take, with one … Surely the work he does in this movie will win him an Oscar. Of course, the movie was not actually all filmed in one, two-hour take. Fantastic cinematography by 14 times Academy Award nominee Roger Deakins.

It's fairly common knowledge that 1917 has been filmed and edited in such a way as to make the movie feel like it's all done in "one shot," with no obvious cuts. The ‘single-shot’ war movie 1917 is a trick without a purpose The technical hook of 1917, a World War I action drama told in one continuous shot, is an illusion. The entire film is shot and edited to make it look like one long, single shot that takes place in real time. 1917 isn't quite "one shot." Yes, '1917' is a technical accomplishment of the highest order—but this "single-shot" WWI movie is much more than that, says Peter Travers. However, when it came to director Sam Mendes’ continuous shot epic 1917, the challenge of making the film seem like one unbroken stream of real time madness proved to …

I loved the long sequences in the beginning of 1917 when they walked through the trenches. ... ‘1917’ Review: War Is Hell, One Shot …