With an emphasis on underwater photography, Paul Nicklen excels in working in harsh environments and cross-cultural situations. She helps with day-to-day work and finances. When you sign up for Field Notes, you’ll get monthly updates and stories from me, photographs, and photography tips. As the sun returns to the Arctic after dark winter, rich light bounces off the mountaintops. She represents Paul for all speaking engagements and event appearances. When you sign up for Field Notes, you’ll get monthly updates and stories from me, photographs, and photography tips. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Subscribe to Paul’s Field News: Share in the adventure, right from your phone. Baby harp seal pups are born into a cold, windy, icy seascape. They only have two weeks the weight, strength and stamina to survive an uncertain future. Michelle is the longest tenured employee at Paul Nicklen Photography. [email protected] Nanette Hinkle. Paul Nicklen grew up one of only a few non-Inuit in an Inuit settlement on Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada -- a childhood that taught him the patience, stamina and respect for nature required for his beat in the frigid climes of Earth’s polar regions. Their mission is to create healthy and abundant oceans—for us and the planet—and lead some of the most experienced and acclaimed storytellers to reveal what lies below the surface of the thin blue line. Speaking Agent Nanette is the Vice President of the Worldwide Speakers Group.
Subscribe to Paul’s Field News: Share in the adventure, right from your phone. Founded by Cristina Mittermeier and Paul Nicklen in 2014, SeaLegacy is now one of the world’s leading ocean conservation organizations. Paul Nicklen lives a life of art, purpose and adventure, combining a career as an assignment photographer for National Geographic Magazine and founder of his own conservation society, SeaLegacy.In addition to being one of the world’s most acclaimed nature photographers, Paul is an acclaimed polar specialist, speaker, author, conservationist, National Geographic Fellow, and a …
Gentoo penguins rest on the foot of a grounded iceberg. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.