During the Victorian era, it was a custom to gift exotic and rare flowers to show love and affection.
Phals do very well as houseplants and will grow and flower in a moderately bright windowsill. Temperature is the tricky element when growing Phalaenopsis Orchids. Distinguishing Between an Orchid Flower Spike and a RootWhen I first starting growing moth orchids, or Phalaenopsis, I got excited over every little new growth that would show up at the base of the plant. In fact, Greek women believed that if the father of their unborn child … It delivers lavish blooms in a broad spectrum of colors and patterns - pink, white, yellow, spotted, and stripped - and thrives in growing conditions similar to those of the African Violet. They bear delightful, pink, white or purple flowers. They are only suitable to be grown as a houseplant. They are one of the most popular indoor orchids. Phalaenopsis amabilis, commonly known as the moon orchid or moth orchid in India and as anggrek bulan in Indonesia, is a species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae, native to the East Indies and Australia, and widely cultivated as a decorative houseplant. You should look for a plant with a strong and sturdy stem, which looks like it is easily supporting the weight of the flowers and buds. Home orchid enthusiasts typically propagate it by transplanting one of its naturally occurring offsets or plantlets, also called keikies, that grow on nodes along its spike, or stem. For many people, this means the plants will bloom in the fall when household temperatures can drop as much as 10 degrees overnight. As the flower spike grows vertically, you will need to stake it for support. Phalaenopsis orkidé – plantering och omplantering De flesta Phalaenopsis orkideer är epifyter (växer på trädgrenar), men det finns även litofytiska arter (växer på klippor och stenar). Phalaenopsis 'Kung's Green Star' displayed by McBeans Orchids. Different types of orchids have very different care. I kept thinking that a new orchid flower spike was growing, when in fact most of the . Artificial flowers, well made and vibrantly colored, looks real-like. Phalaenopsis orchids are one of the longest blooming orchid genera, with blooms lasting 2 to 6 months from late winter to spring. This is a form of division. The variety of “phalaenopsis orchis” or the moth orchis received its name from mistaken identity. Contrary to popular belief, orchids are not difficult to grow as houseplants.
Phalaenopsis do not have a water storage mechanism, like a Pseudobulb, but they can store water in their thick fleshly leaves. It is very tender and will break easily. It has a diverse color assortment such as yellow, green, dark purple, blush, waxy, stripes, sunburst, harlequin, spots, pink, and white. The most highly coveted of ornamental plants, the delicate, exotic and graceful orchid represents love, luxury, beauty and strength. Phalaenopsis Orchid Meaning Symbol of health & prosperity. Moth orchids, Phalaenopsis, are epiphytic plants meaning that in the wild they grow on the surface of other plants, rather than in the soil. Prematurely wilting flowers are frequently a sign of incorrect growing conditions that affect the overall health of the plant.