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A list of Basic Romanian words and phrases translated into English. The Romanian language is a Romance language, meaning it comes from Latin like French, Spanish and Italian.It has 66% Latin-based words and 20% Slavic-based words.The rest are newer and come from Dacian, Turkish, Greek, or English.There are about 28 million speakers: 24 million who speak it as their mother tongue and 4 million who have learned it as their second language. Free online Romanian to English Online Translation Service. Romanian-English translation search engine, Romanian words and expressions translated into English with examples of use in both languages. The most convenient translation environment ever created. While portions of the Romanian language have Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and French influences, the Romanian pronunciation bears a much closer resemblance to the Slavic languages — like Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, and Ukrainian. Language barriers are a thing of the past. Get relevant Romanian-English translations in context with real-life examples for millions of words and expressions, using our natural language search engine applied on bilingual big data. See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. The English language is so widely used that almost anyone is exposed to it. Its main dialects are Dacoromanian, the basis of the standard language, spoken in Romania and Moldova; Aromanian, spoken in Greece, North Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, and Serbia; and nearly extinct Meglenoromanian and Istroromanian. Romanian localization. Romanian (dated spellings: Rumanian or Roumanian; autonym: limba română [ˈlimba roˈmɨnə] , "the Romanian language", or românește, lit. English to Romanian Translation provides the most convenient access to online translation service powered by various machine translation engines. Useful Romanian phrases. If a language is listed under Preferred languages but doesn't appear on the Windows display language list, you'll first need to install its language pack (assuming it's available in … Phonetics and Pronunciation. Supports 90+ language pairs including English to Romanian. If you've studied other Romance language, such as Italian, Spanish, French or Portuguese, you may feel at home sooner than you think.
All translation are consolidated into a convenient Translation Feed. Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian, and Istro-Romanian.. As a Romance language, Romanian shares many characteristics with its more distant relatives: Italian, French, … "in Romanian") is an Eastern Romance language spoken by approximately 24–26 million people as a native language, primarily in Romania and Moldova, and by another 4 million people as a second language.
Learn Romanian in just 5 minutes a day with our game-like lessons.