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status update n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. The status key has a LED monitor as indicator for the cyclic status update. ; (now) specifically an update to a person's status on a social networking site.
Aadhaar authentication can be performed for availing benefits, services and benefits falling under Section 7 of the Aadhaar Act, 2016 and if the purpose for which Aadhaar authentication is intended to be used is either backed by law made by parliament or is in the State interest.
(latest post on a social network) ( redes sociales ) actualización de estado nf + loc adj Many translated example sentences containing "status update" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.
Search status update and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Find out if you're affected by coronavirus/COVID-19. Status Update se estrenó el 2018-02-09 y dura un total de 106 minutos. D ie Status -Tast e enthält als Indikator eine LED-Anzeige, die besagt, d as der Status z ykl isc h aktualisiert w ird . status update noun An update on the current situation with regard to a particular service, project, person, etc. You can check your application status only once we start processing your application. Para poder …
You may be able to check the status of your immigration or citizenship application online, depending on what you applied for.