Swords and Deviltry is where I had to start, for that is where we meet Fafhrd, " a barbarian from the Cold Waste north even of the Eight Cities and the Trollstep Mountains," and the Grey Mouser, a magician's journeyman turned rogue. First in the influential fan-favorite series, Swords and Deviltry collects four fantastical adventure stories from Fritz Leiber, the author who coined the phrase?sword and sorcery? Fritz Reuter Leiber Jr. was one of the more interesting of the young writers who came into HP Lovecraft's orbit, and some of his best early short fiction is horror rather than sf or fantasy. Swords and Deviltry is the first of these. In?Induction,? Fighting sea kings, curses and seven-eyed wizards, the pair set out on their heroic wanderings through the wilds of Nehwon. Swords and Deviltry Publisher's Summary Neil Gaiman Presents: the first book in Fritz Leiber's classic sword-and-sorcery series, which includes the Hugo and Nebula Award-winning novella, Ill Met in Lankhmar. The award-winning sword and sorcery classic that introduced Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, from a Grand Master of Science Fiction and Fantasy.
The first two novellas are essentially ‘origin’ stories, recounting the early, separate adventures of Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser. Summary: Swords and deviltry, the first book of Leiber's landmark series, introduces us to a strange world where our two strangers find the familiar in themselves and discover the icy power of female magic.
and helped birth an entire genre. In Swords in the Mist, lean times in Lankhmar force brothers-in-arms Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser to part ways.Only after a joust of wits and swords do the friends join together again, stealing the ship the Black Treasurer and sailing round and through The Claws. Summary: The award-winning sword and sorcery classic that introduced Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, from a Grand Master of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Please inquire as to specific condition) Edition Later Edition ISBN 9781497699922 Item Price $ The book consists of three novellas and a short introduction. Summary. In the ancient city of Lankhmar, two men forge a friendship in battle. 1 by Fritz Leiber Seller Borderlands Books Published 10/4/2014 Condition New (Condition varies from Fine to Near Fine. Swords and Deviltry - Adventures of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser vol.
The book consists of three novellas and a short introduction. Ramsey Campbell, one of England's most highly regarded British horror authors, called Fritz Leiber Neil Gaiman Presents: the first book in Fritz Leiber's classic sword-and-sorcery series, which includes the Hugo and Nebula Award-winning novella, Ill Met in Lankhmar. Swords and Deviltry is the first of these. Swords and Deviltry is the first book (actually first collection of short stories) in the series, and introduced the two protagonists with one origin story each, then ends with Ill Met in Lankhmar, the tale of how the unlikely friends first meet. Author's Foreword (Swords and Deviltry) (1973) also appeared as: Translation: Vorwort des Autors zur Originalausgabe (Schwerter und Teufelei) [German] (2004) Fish Stew in Its Infinite Varieties (1973) Author's Introduction (Swords Against Death) (1973) Author's New Introduction (Swords Against Death) (1973) J. R. R. Tolkien (appreciation) (1973)