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Configuration Puzzle Guide Heroic Zero Hour Mission Destiny 2. In this guide, we'll detail all the key steps you should know up to, and through, the Zero Hour mission. This sub is for discussing Bungie's shared world, action FPS looter-shooters: Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Destiny 2; Zero Hour Heroic is Frustating... Topic Archived; Page 1 of 2; Last ; More topics from this board... How to make the new public event HEROIC: sadiztic666: 5: 6/10 4:46AM: Just got geomag stabilizers last night. Be sure to check back each week as the Heroic Zero Hour rotates through the Void, Arc, and Solar configurations. Zero Hour is a secret quest found on Earth when the player has the Fallen Transponder and has activated all 6 of its nodes. Before you can start unlocking the Vault, you will need to make it through the fire room. Here is a complete walkthrough for Zero Hour’s new Heroic route. Please read the sidebar rules and be sure to search for your question before posting. A complete list of the inputs and outputs for the Void, Arc, and Solar configurations. This room will instantly kill you if you step on the wrong part of the floor. In this guide, we’ll give you the tools to solve it. Destiny 2’s new Zero Hour mission has an elaborate puzzle hidden in its final stages. The Heroic version of Zero Hour is a 700-Power activity, and it also plays out very differently. For the Heroic version of Zero Hour, you must take the following route across the tiles: Ensure you are using the correct path through the fire room. the old Tower. Welcome to Destiny Reddit! A completion of this quest awards the player with the Outbreak Perfected Exotic Pulse rifle. Zero Hour is a timed mission that sees you return to (spoiler ahead!) Check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 guide for … The Heroic version of Zero Hour doesn’t just change up combat difficulty — it also changes the route through the mission. Destiny 2 players have finally beat the Zero Hour mission and reaped their rewards, which include the Outbreak Perfected catalyst and the SCRAP CF-717-91 ship from the reward schematic. It starts and ends the same way, but the platforming bits in the middle are totally different. Bungie recently rolled out a new Exotic quest in “Destiny 2” that whoever completes it will be rewarded with a nifty pulse rifle dubbed the Outbreak Perfected.Its final quest step – Zero Hour – is one tough nut to crack thanks to its final boss alongside the waves of enemies that keep on spawning throughout the boss fight.