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The hero has a walking-stick with magic powers via the "Spirit of Electricity".

I found this entertaining but light. It's one of a pair: one will lose its power if you use for any practical purpose, and the other will lose its power if you don't. The Magic Walking Stick is a 1932 novel by the Scottish author John Buchan, his only novel written for children. Unfortunately, our hero doesn't know which one he has. Buchan has done much better work (e.g.

The story is set during WW1 about a teenage boy who buys a walking stick from a beggar - a magic walking stick that allows the boy to visit many places at his command.

This book is one of the most popular novels of John Buchan, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to …

He has many adventures John Buchan has everyone knows is known best for `The 39 Steps` - recently broadcast on BBC TV. The Magic Walking Stick (Paperback) By: John Buchan (Author) | Publisher: Independently Published | Released: 17 Mar 2020 | Publisher Imprint: Independently Published This charming one-of-a-kind classic is a beautiful compilation which includes the timeless story, The Magic Walking-Stick and several additional Arabian Nights classic stories including; The Seven Voyages of Sinbad, The Story of the Magic Horse, The Story of the Fisherman and the Genie and more.

Description provided by Wikipedia. "The Thirty-Nine Steps").

The Magic Walking Stick was written in the year 1927 by John Buchan. As we left the lodge we were intent on finding the roaring lions, but it was not to be.

The first edition was illustrated by John Morton Sale.