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The word "cluster" means a group of similar things. What instructions should you give to begin this prewriting process?

You can use clustering for personal growth, or you can use the technique to deepen your understanding of a fictional character (or place). Clustering simply means to start with a word, than associate it with others.
What is a term for writing music? Clustering is similar to brainstorming. The essence of the entire ten to fifteen-minute technique, as outlined by Gabriele Lusser Rico in her classic, Writing the Natural Way, is this. Clustering. I have found the following both appropriate and effective: (Gabriele Lusser Rico, "Clustering: A Prewriting Process," in Practical Ideas for Teaching Writing As a Process, ed. Clustering in writing? Find descriptive alternatives for cluster. Find descriptive alternatives for clustering.
Synonyms for cluster at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Synonyms for clustering at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions.

Each group, or cluster, has a number of words that are related to each other. From clustering, you can write a short poem or piece of writing with the words that are associated with each other. Clustering means putting words into groups. Like brainstorming or free associating, clustering allows a writer to begin without clear ideas. Clustering is a type of pre-writing that allows a writer to explore many ideas as soon as they occur to them. Clustering is something that you can do on your own or with friends or classmates to try to find inspiration in the connection between ideas. WRITING TIPS Clustering : Clustering is another way to think of new ideas.

Clustering is similar to another process called Brainstorming. Synonyms for clustering include collecting, gathering, assembling, grouping, huddling, congregating, crowding, bunching, flocking and concentring. To begin to cluster, choose a word that is central to the assignment. Another term for writing music is composition.

You try to think of many words and phrases.