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“Potential Energy” finally brought The Flash back to The CW after six long weeks of winter hiatus. Element, but work with us a bit here. Cisco: You know, our Dr. Wells may have been evil, but you're just a dick. Dr. Wells last edited by aphillips17 on 05/02/20 05:24PM View full history Working for the evil Phillip Omen, Dr. Wells engineered Jonathan Taylor Prophet to be his weapon. The introduction of a new Harrison Wells could easily set the tone for the entire season.. Dr. Moreau is the main antagonist in H. G. Wells's 1896 science fiction novel The Island of Dr. Moreau. His ultimate goal was to form animals into human beings. He is a brilliant surgeon forced to relocate to a deserted island when it was discovered that he was performing vivisection (live dissection) upon animals. Guy, murdered your best friend, your family, and your pet? Through all of this, we see hints that Wells is attempting to preserve a future timeline by orchestrating events in what we see as the present. The character in question debuted in 1991's "All-New Flash TV Special" Believing Reploids should have their free wills removed to prevent them from going Maverick, Weil is the one responsible for the Elf Wars, which destroyed much of the earth and caused a mass genocide for both humans and Reploids. CW's The Flash introduced the Reverse Flash, but not yet his identity. Wells Is a variation on Reverse-Flash That's the obvious answer. Dr. Harrison Wells might have left some evidence enough to shock the fans! How would you feel if your favorite teacher, Mr. The Flash must be challenged by The Reverse Flash in order to ensure an end that only Wells knows. Dr. Harrison Wells on "The Flash," played by Tom Cavanagh, has always seemed to be another example of an original character, but reader Victor C. wrote in to ask if it was true that Wells was actually named after an obscure character from a 1991 "Flash" one-shot. Barry must become The Flash. Harrison Wells, played by Tom Cavanaugh, is a scientist at Star Labs who has created the particle accelerator. He's either Professor Zoom as has been previously speculated, or another unknown villainous character. Dr. Weil is the primary villain of the Megaman Zero franchise and the archenemy of Zero. Element Ad The time travel stuff would seem to go against the scientist being the split personality villain Dr. Alchemy/Mr. Feb 25, 2016 - Not Evil, Dr wells #Spectaculars #RustyB #Vintage #Eyewear #MadeinUSA #Flash This duty becomes the end by which Wells justifies all of his nefarious means. That's understandable. Dr. Alchemy/ Mr. You'd probably be pretty upset.