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How may the fact that the child presented is the auditor's now-dead mother, herself an orphan, have affected the emotion of the tale? After her parents pass away, young Rosamond is raised by her nurse in the ancestral home of her aunt, Miss Furnivall. The final sentence of the nurse’s story sums up the story’s moral: mistakes cannot be erased. In "The Old Nurse's Story" the author describes a haunting past that as the story said "What is done in youth can't be undone." Gaskell’s “The Old Nurse’s Story” is an excellent embodyment of gothic literature. The Old Nurse's Story (Trade Paper) $ 8.95: SKU/ISBN: 9781771963152. Though Miss Grace regrets her actions, she cannot change them, and she is literally and figuratively haunted by them even to her death. The Old Nurse's Story (Seth's Christmas Ghost Stories) Published October 15th 2019 by Biblioasis Kindle Edition, 72 pages Author(s): Elizabeth Gaskell, Seth (Illustrator) ASIN: B07S1GW929 Average rating: 3.00 (1 rating) more details. Miss Grace also Miss Furnivall throughout the story has regrets of what she has done in her past and Miss Maudes portrait that is turned around shows that. Is the old nurse a credible narrator? Authors: Gaskell, Elizabeth, Seth. Get Your Custom Essay on ‘The Old Nurse’s Story’ By Elizabeth Gaskell Just from $13,9/Page Get custom paper It was only into the 19th Century that the Gothic Novel started to appear a little outdated, as Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey in 1818 satire of the genre showed. What are examples of oppression of women in this story? Categories: Fiction, Seth's Christmas Ghost Stories, Short Fiction. The Old Nurse's Story Homework Help Questions. This was during the same period that she was producing episodes of Cranford for the same periodical. `` The Signalman `` : The Old Nurse 's Story, Saki 's The Open Window, And George 1715 Words | 7 Pages. “The Old Nurse’s Story” is a gothic short story published in 1852 by Elizabeth Gaskell. "The Old Nurse's Tale" What is added to this story by casting it as the narrative of a nursemaid to her charges? By the fact that part of the story was narrated to her by yet another servant? ‘The Old Nurse’s Story’ was published at the end of 1852 in the extra Christmas number of Household Words. The focus in both publications is a community of women, or at least bonds between women which Gaskell felt to be so important. The storyline had emotional depth, a dark theme, an ominous tone, and supernatural occurances. To me, this story was unique in the sense that the audience to whom the narrator was adressing was identified. Miss Rosamond and the nurse later have to move away, to live with Lord Furnival’s granddaughter. Hester, now an old nurse, is telling children a story of their mother, Miss Rosamond when she was a child. "The Old Nurse's Story" was written by British novelist Elizabeth Gaskell. The Old Nurses Story’ begins with a nurse telling a group of children how one of the characters she nursed (Miss Rosamond) was an only child and orphan as her parents had died at an early age and she had taken care of her. Description; Description.