Most online sellers fail to recreate the interiors of Gucci purses and LV replica handbags with the same superior craftsmanship as the original. 5. We enjoyed walking through Shenzheng a lot more than going into Lo Wu. We bought some fake shoes for our sons and a leather belt. Our products are created with great care, replicating not just the material and the logo, but every stitch and piece of hardware.
Why? This market is visited by more than a million tourists a year.
Shopping for Fakes in Hong Kong. Twitter; Linkedin ; Rory Boland is a guidebook author and travel writer who has lived and worked in Hong Kong and London. The prices were okay (better than Hong Kong), but once we arrived in Vietnam we regretted our Lo Wu purchases because we got better prices there, from nicer, less pushy sellers. One of the most-frequented shopping malls in Shenzhen, Luohu Commercial City (or Lowu Shopping Center as often referred to), sits right on the land border to Hong Kong. Shopping in Shenzhen has become somewhat of a local phenomenon in Hong Kong, with hordes of locals piling across the border at weekends to stock up on everything from apples and oranges to imitation Gucci bags. Rory Boland. After the conversion of the Ya Show of San Li Tun to the fake market shopping center, the second most famous fake market in Beijing is probably the Pearl Market (红桥市场, Hongqiao Shichang), located at 46 Tiantan East Street. Updated 04/15/20. Written by.
Fact-Checked by. You can find everything here, from tailors to toys, to fake-branded items like bags and watches, as well as electronics and jewelry. Shenzhen is a bargain. Reviewed on 04/15/20 Jillian Dara. For shopping, Shenzhen Raffles City has a total of 107 fashion brands, including sports and leisure, fashion accessories, fashion accessories and luggage, spread across five floors.
When you shop at Bags Heaven, you aren't simply looking at fake handbags and wallets for sale. It maybe worthwhile shopping there if your whole stay is just in Hong Kong. Designer handbags, shoes and more Hong Kong fakes. bagsoutlet. And, if you thought Hong Kong shopping was cheap, Shenzhen will really bring a smile to your wallet.
Rory Boland. Westchester, CA... 2 posts.
go to shenzhen, i used to buy copy bags a lot in lou wu for personal use, but they ended up only lasting about 3 months or so.. haggle hard you should get copy ones for about $20 aust or maybe a little more.. please check quality and the zippers.. guangzhou is cheaper for these also.. Report inappropriate content . Many people want to get their hands on some fake goods while in China, whether it be Louis Vuitton handbags, Burberry clutch bags, Rolexes, Yeezys or Ray bans.
Luohu Commerical City (Lo Wu Shopping Plaza): handbags may be fake but quality is excellent - See 1,187 traveler reviews, 478 candid photos, and great deals for Shenzhen, China, at Tripadvisor. To get there, take Line 5 of the metro to the Tiantan Dongmen stop and take exit B. Tripsavvy's Editorial Guidelines.